
Security Assessment

A Security Assessment is an architectural and procedural analysis of the security of IT infrastructures.

A clear picture of the security of your organization

A Security Assessment is a detailed analysis of infrastructure components such as web applications, e-mail services, data storage, intranet, network connections, firewalls, and much more. Thanks to this analysis you will have a clear and complete picture of the security of your infrastructure and you will be provided with a “status quo” report and a remediation plan containing all the architectural and procedural solutions you need to secure your infrastructure.

The Security Assessment steps are:

  1. Interview with the infrastructure manager and information collection: how the infrastructure is composed, the network diagrams, the different services, the backups, the collection of the configuration of the security systems.
  2. Analysis: analysis of the configurations and information collected
  3. Report e remediation plan: the final report provides a remediation plan that identifies the main non-conformities and proposed solutions.

Security Assessments should be carried out frequently, especially if your company handles sensitive data and has already suffered the consequences of cyber-attacks and data breaches in the past.

You can prevent cyber attacks, protect your business data, and be more responsive in solving security problems.

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